Friday, January 22, 2010

Valentine's Day Rose Drive

The EQT is planning again to sell roses/vases for the Valentine's Day holiday.  The price will be $5.00 per rose and vase arrangement and they will be avaible on February 11, starting at 9:00 a.m., at the front door/lobby of the Sherman street building.  The money will be used to apply to the Employee Quality Team efforts to support the events already being planned for the rest of the year to include BBQs, Silent Auctions, Ice Cream, Bake Sales, and the Annual DOLA EQT Ceremony.

Curiuos about what the gifts look like? Taking a look at the previous year's effort should help in deciding to join in!

Now, for many of you, these flowers are another addition to a wholistic approach towards Valentines Day that will make it convenient for you augment your already-planned efforts to remind your friends, colleagues and others how much you appreciate them and help the EQT at the same time.  For some of you, this offering will provide the last minute reminder and ability to avoid looking unintentionally inconsiderate and forgetful this holiday to your friends and loved ones.  Either way, it is a win for all!

The preferred option, both for you and for us in planning on how many to buy, is to let us know how many you arrangements you would like.  Although, this is not necessary as there will be a sale stock available if you do not reserve in advance.. but it would really help!  So, to reserve a specific number, send an email to Mona (  Mona volunteered to wake up at a time most of us are still in pre-work comas to make sure we get fresh roses on the 11th.  Too, if you are at an off-site location, such as in Centennial, this will help ensure that we can get you some roses, too!

Now, if you are like me, in the pic above, you noticed the beautiful roses, the vases, kinda giggled at the kitty litter container... but also locked in on the two plates of cookies (top of screen, far side of the second linked table).  I do not know yet about the status of cookie availability.  I will ask my EQT colleagues about the cookies.  I will relay additional critical information about said cookies as soon as available.

If you have any questions about the rose drive, shoot an email to and I'll track down an answer!

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