Tuesday, June 15, 2010

DOLA EQT BBQ and... a taste of Frito Pie - June 16 - 12-2

Alright... this picture doesn't do this taste-bomb justice but I wanted to capture it "in progress."  What you can't get from this pic is the cumin, garlic, bay leaves and other goodness as it creeps into this chile con carne but, I wanted to give you the heads up that the chili is, at least, under way.  This is a 12-16 hour process, mind you.  Chili can't be done in an hour. Well, good chili can't be done in an hour. Maybe you could re-heat it in less than an hour, but the initial creation period takes time.

Hungry?  Curious?  Well, take a few minutes to bolt down on Wednesday, June 16th, to the first floor, just out back the Division of Emergency Management (DEM) at 9195 East Mineral Avenue, Centennial, CO, for our DOLA EQT BBQ and you can get a cup along with your burger or brat. The chili you see is actually just one part of what will be in that cup, though.  We are serving full-bore Frito Pie.  We will be serving it in all its lawn-chair glory in a styrofoam cup, with the chili poured over fritos and topped with shredded cheese.  Add some red-pepper flakes to your desired hair-burning level and pair with copious amounts of water and a soda.  Enjoy.

With the taste of chili, we'll also have burgers, brats, chips, sodas and cookies and MOST IMPORTANTLY (from the looks of it...) - SUN!!!!

From the entry-level $5 dog and chips to the $6 brat/burger 'n chips (served w/side of Frito Pie) we'll be ready for you.  We're getting started and will have the grill fired up and ready to go at 12:00 pm.  We'll go until around 2:00 pm. and we would love to have you down for a visit.

...and don't worry.  I didn't set the chili to the usual "Chernobyl" setting, but I will be bringing red pepper flakes along for those of you that need to join me in some extra salt depletion - :)

See you there!!! Brandon

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